Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) is Germany’s national meteorological service. As Germany's key provider of weather and climate services, DWD is a reliable partner for public and private sectors. Responsibilities and activities of DWD involve the development and continuous improvement of analysis systems and prediction models, weather and climate services and the nationwide coordination of meteorological hazard warnings to support disaster management organizations. DWD's forecasts and warnings are crucial for proactive measures to protect against weather-related hazards. DWD generates and facilitates essential climatological data for long-term planning, e.g. in construction, water management and renewable energy. |
The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPIM) is dedicated to fundamental climate research. Its overall mission is to understand Earth's changing climate by developing and use of Earth System Models and critical observations to support it. The ICON model thereby is the central research tool at MPIM, where two approaches are taken; "Sapphire", extrapolates to the climate from the near-term behavior of global weather, computed over a nearly complete range of scale; "Ruby", on the other hand, forgoes an accurate description of the weather in the hope that it doesn’t sensitively influence the climate. Research activities within MPIM are centered around its three main departments: Climate Physics, Climate Dynamics, and Climate Variability. The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling (IMPRS-ESM) – jointly run by the MPIM and the Universität Hamburg – manages the institute’s contribution to doctoral training. |
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The German Climate Computing Center (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, DKRZ) is a central service center for German climate and earth system research. Its high performance computers, data storage and services form the central research infrastructure for simulation-based climate science in Germany. Apart from providing computing power, data storage capacity and technical support for models and simulations in climate research, DKRZ offers its scientific users an extensive portfolio of tailor-made services. It maintains and develops application software relevant to climate research and supports its users in matters of data processing. Finally, DKRZ also participates in national and international joint projects and cooperations with the aim of improving the infrastructure for climate modeling. |
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The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a leading German research university formed in 2009 through the merger of the University of Karlsruhe and the Karlsruhe Research Center. Renowned for its academic excellence, KIT offers a diverse range of programs spanning engineering, natural sciences, computer science, and humanities. The institution is globally recognized for its interdisciplinary research, cutting-edge facilities, and commitment to addressing societal challenges. Institute of Meteorology and Climate research (IMK) at KIT leads the atmospheric composition modeling within the ICON modeling framework mainly through development of ART (aerosols and reactive trace gases) component. |
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The Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) is a joint center of the partner institutions ETH Zurich, MeteoSwiss, Empa, WSL, and EAWAG. C2SM's mission is to provide a science, technology, and networking platform for its members and its partner institutions. C2SM’s overarching objective is to bring the weather, climate, climate impact, computational, and related communities in the Zurich area together in order to improve their ability to analyse, model, and predict multi-scale and multi-component interactions within the Earth System. C2SM focuses on the development and application of complex models of weather, climate and the Earth system, including its atmospheric composition. It provides a simulation and data analysis infrastructure for these models and the science that emanates from them. C2SM connects to related disciplines at its partner institutions to exponentiate research outcomes and to bridge disciplines in the area of climate change impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. |